Electric Skateboard Safety 101

While your electric skateboard is great for transporting you from point A to B and allows you to have some fun doing tricks, it is not without risk. Compared to the non-motorized version, it can go at higher speeds and therefore, accidents may happen.

Safety gear is not just for beginners. If you are a regular skateboarder, it makes sense to invest in high-quality equipment that you can use every day, keeping you protected in case of an accident. Of course, no helmet can replace taking personal steps to a risk-free ride.

First and foremost, you need to take time to practice with your electric skateboard in a safe place. Make sure you know how to maneuver it and that you can control it even while riding at full speed. Braking is also of utmost importance as these types of boards go much faster than normal. You need to be aware of how to decelerate safely, without falling over. Even learning how to position your body in case of falling will help minimize the injuries you might otherwise sustain.

Second, you should invest in the necessary protective gear. Deaths or crashes on skateboards do happen, but the statistics are simply not as well-known as with car accidents. Whether you plan to just go to a shopping mall or go around the block, protective gear should be worn. This gear might not be the most comfortable and they might be bulky, but if you look around you might find something that will suit you better.

A helmet is the first gear you need. There are different kinds out there, so just choose something that provides protection to your whole head without being too heavy or restrictive. Knee and elbow pads are a must too, because these are quite likely to hit the floor or the ground if you fall, causing you many scratches or worse. Some of these pads can be worn under clothing.

Wrist pads and skating gloves may also be helpful especially in preventing sprains or fractions on the wrist. Rounding up the gear can be protective clothing like an armored jacket or padded pants. This would be perfect for longer rides and where you might expect a bit more traffic.
The third step in having a safe electric skateboard ride is to study your route. Going downhill, for example, might lead you to drive way too fast, so if possible, avoid too much descent. The terrain is also another huge consideration, as rough roads or bumps might cause accidents. If you are also going uphill, make sure that it does not exceed the elevation that your electric skateboard has been designed for.

Lastly, if you do decide to try out some tricks or stunts, start with easier ones until you build up your skills in balancing with the board, for example. Make sure that it is appropriate to your board, in terms of size and speed.

Being safe is much more than just putting on a helmet. Even with protective gear, improper use and risky behavior will be dangerous for you, so take a wider approach to safety and you can learn ways to always ride properly and without getting into an accident.